Did You Know? Walt Disney World Lost and Found
I’ve had many trips to Walt Disney World, but surprisingly, we’ve never left anything behind. We have managed (by "we" I mean my teenage daughter) to leave a cell phone on a couple of attractions. Luckily the cell was turned in and we picked them up at Guest Relations before leaving the park. However on our most recent trip, we did indeed lose an item without realizing it.
My daughter was wearing her Guatemalan ball cap that was quite special to her. It was accidentally left at Hollywood Studios. Unfortunately, it was on our last day, and when we realized it was missing it was already nearly time for what we call the “Tragical Express” back to the airport. I stopped by the Concierge at our resort, who gave me a handy dandy card with all the information I needed.
The process was really quite easy. I followed the instructions on the card: Create a report on the designated website. Describe the lost item, and indicate what I wanted done with it if located. Submit the information. It then gave me the email address I could expect to hear from, so I jotted it down.

In the following days, I received 2 emails that the item had NOT been located but they were still looking. About a week later, I received word that it was found and on its way! I was given options for retrieval (mail return, hold for local pickup or do not return). I opted to have it mailed to me. I was to my surprise not charged a shipping fee. Instead I was given a tracking number to follow. The package arrived in a matter of a few days. My daughter has her hat, and I have a new appreciation for the way Disney goes above and beyond for their guests!

Please do not assume that any lost items are gone forever. Just speak with a cast member for assistance and they will two-fingered point you in the right direction!